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  Fees & Costs


Bookings for

Rubber Sessions and Specials, for Heavy Rubber Escort and for Sophisticated Rubber Escort
are possible from 3 hours up to several days.
The minimum booking time also depends on the place where to meet (i.e. on the distance to travel).

Rubber Courses have a fixed length of 4 or 8 hours.

Please request for further information   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


My fees as well as the fees of the escorts whom on request you can book additionally and separately to me
are generally calculated according to the booked time ONLY,

but not to the details of your therapy, no matter what your treatment comprises!

> ALL offered and practized Rubber Therapies are inclusive.
           (except for a few very special practices, please enquire).

> ALL necessary rubber outfits are inclusive
          (I have very large selections of rubber wear, see pics on my website!)

> ALL necessary equipment is inclusive (that too is also very extensively

For all rubber appointments you will not be charged for the entire preparation time, the dressing time for me and the escorts,
the preliminary talk and the entire follow-up after the session.
This means that the paid booking time is the "net" time for your rubber therapy!
I/we receive you already fully rubberized!
The time I dress you in rubber is part of the session time. 


SPECIAL FOR COUPLES is a very reasonable offer for couples only -
a luxurious unique adventure for her & him together with me!
Location costs are included in the SPECIAL.


Another very special offer which you can obtain for a certain additional fee is my
all-inclusive  LUXURY SPECIAL -
an unmatched luxurious offer, uniquely in its kind!
With the Luxury Special, ALL location costs and many other costs are already included!


The rent of the LOCATION causes further minor costs. 
(except with the SPECIAL FOR COUPLES and the LUXURY SPECIAL)


Fees and possible location costs please request by e-mail ONLY.
I will send you a very detailed RUBBER SESSION INFO incl. a list of fees and location costs.
 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.