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  Internet Fakes


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, MySpace, YouTube, MyVideo, Pinterest, tumblr, Flickr, countless blogs, forums and chatrooms... and and and...
Everywhere you can find texts, pics and videos on the topic "Natalia!".

As far as people write about me, this is fine (and it's also promotion for me...:-).  Even if the one or the other negative opinion can be found, I do not mind, that belongs to democracy.
Although, a lot of, rather the most of what they write about me is simply wrong. All too much is pure fabrication, is insinuated and suspected, and even against their better knowledge many things are alleged which have nothing to do with the truth. And sometimes also something vicious is written, anonymously, of course - frustration, envy...?

But, if allegedly I am writing there about myself, allegedly I express myself about my personality, my private life, my profession:
all this is not written by me.

Generally I do not participate in any of these activities, in social networks, blogs and forums.
If, on such pages, somebody is writing under my name, these are fakes, false entries, it is nothing less than identity theft.

Doing something against such fakes is difficult. In serious cases, I instruct my lawyers in Los Angeles, and then it gets really expensive for the offender, but cowardly as these people are, these entries are of course anonymous (although this does not mean that nevertheless they cannot become identified).

> Only my website  is genuine, this site alone is my "official site".
And there you find everything what you need to know about me...
There is NO other website of me.

> ONLY e-mails sent from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. like e.g. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. are mine.
All other e-mails are NOT sent by me.
Also, I do NOT send messages via WhatsApp or Telegram.

Questions? Write me!   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.